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//! This module contains the definition for the key identifiers used by the rest of the crates.
//! Any code that needs to interact with the [KeyStore] should use these types.
//! - [SymmetricKeyId] is used to identify symmetric keys.
//! - [AsymmetricKeyId] is used to identify asymmetric keys.
//! - [KeyIds] is a helper type that combines both symmetric and asymmetric key identifiers. This is
//! usually used in the type bounds of [KeyStore],
//! [KeyStoreContext](bitwarden_crypto::KeyStoreContext),
//! [Encryptable](bitwarden_crypto::Encryptable) and [Decryptable](bitwarden_crypto::Encryptable).
use bitwarden_crypto::{key_ids, KeyStore, SymmetricCryptoKey};
key_ids! {
pub enum SymmetricKeyId {
Local(&'static str),
pub enum AsymmetricKeyId {
Local(&'static str),
pub KeyIds => SymmetricKeyId, AsymmetricKeyId;
/// This is a helper function to create a test KeyStore with a single user key.
/// While this function is not marked as #[cfg(test)], it should only be used for testing purposes.
/// It's only public so that other crates can make use of it in their own tests.
pub fn create_test_crypto_with_user_key(key: SymmetricCryptoKey) -> KeyStore<KeyIds> {
let store = KeyStore::default();
.set_symmetric_key(SymmetricKeyId::User, key.clone())
.expect("Mutable context");
/// This is a helper function to create a test KeyStore with a single user key and an organization
/// key using the provided organization uuid. While this function is not marked as #[cfg(test)], it
/// should only be used for testing purposes. It's only public so that other crates can make use of
/// it in their own tests.
pub fn create_test_crypto_with_user_and_org_key(
key: SymmetricCryptoKey,
org_id: uuid::Uuid,
org_key: SymmetricCryptoKey,
) -> KeyStore<KeyIds> {
let store = KeyStore::default();
.set_symmetric_key(SymmetricKeyId::User, key.clone())
.expect("Mutable context");
.set_symmetric_key(SymmetricKeyId::Organization(org_id), org_key.clone())
.expect("Mutable context");