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//! # Bitwarden Cryptographic primitives
//! This crate contains the cryptographic primitives used throughout the SDK. The general
//! aspiration is for this crate to handle all the difficult cryptographic operations and expose
//! higher level concepts to the rest of the SDK.
//! <div class="warning">
//! Generally you should <b>not</b> find yourself needing to edit this crate! Everything written
//! here requires additional care and attention to ensure that the cryptographic primitives are
//! secure. </div>
//! ## Example:
//! ```rust
//! use bitwarden_crypto::{SymmetricCryptoKey, KeyEncryptable, KeyDecryptable, CryptoError};
//! async fn example() -> Result<(), CryptoError> {
//! let key = SymmetricCryptoKey::generate(rand::thread_rng());
//! let data = "Hello, World!".to_owned();
//! let encrypted = data.clone().encrypt_with_key(&key)?;
//! let decrypted: String = encrypted.decrypt_with_key(&key)?;
//! assert_eq!(data, decrypted);
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Development considerations
//! This crate is expected to provide long term support for cryptographic operations. To that end,
//! the following considerations should be taken into account when making changes to this crate:
//! - Limit public interfaces to the bare minimum.
//! - Breaking changes should be rare and well communicated.
//! - Serializable representation of keys and encrypted data must be supported indefinitely as we
//! have no way to update all data.
//! ### Conventions:
//! - Pure Functions that deterministically "derive" keys from input are prefixed with `derive_`.
//! - Functions that generate non deterministically keys are prefixed with `make_`.
//! ### Differences from `clients`
//! There are some noteworthy differences compared to the other Bitwarden
//! [clients]( These changes are made in an effort to
//! introduce conventions in how we name things, improve best practices and abstracting away
//! internal complexity.
//! - `CryptoService.makeSendKey` & `AccessService.createAccessToken` are replaced by the generic
//! `derive_shareable_key`
//! - MasterKey operations such as `makeMasterKey` and `hashMasterKey` are moved to the MasterKey
//! struct.
//! ## Crate features
//! - `no-memory-hardening` - Disables memory hardening which ensures that allocated memory is
//! zeroed on drop. This feature primarily exists in case you do not want to use the standard
//! allocator, and we advise to still define a `global_allocator` using the
//! [`ZeroizingAllocator`].
//! # Pinned heap data
//! This crate uses a `Pin<Box<>>` strategy to ensure data is stored on the heap and not moved
//! around. This pattern is commonly used for `GenericArray` since it's equivalent to `[u8; N]`
//! which is a Copy type placed on the stack. To keep the compiler from making stack copies when
//! moving this struct around, we use a Box to keep the values on the heap. We also pin the box to
//! make sure that the contents can't be pulled out of the box and moved.
#[cfg(not(feature = "no-memory-hardening"))]
static ALLOC: ZeroizingAllocator<std::alloc::System> = ZeroizingAllocator(std::alloc::System);
mod aes;
mod enc_string;
pub use enc_string::{AsymmetricEncString, EncString};
mod error;
pub use error::CryptoError;
pub(crate) use error::Result;
mod fingerprint;
pub use fingerprint::fingerprint;
mod keys;
pub use keys::*;
mod rsa;
pub use crate::rsa::RsaKeyPair;
mod util;
pub use util::{generate_random_alphanumeric, generate_random_bytes, pbkdf2};
mod wordlist;
pub use wordlist::EFF_LONG_WORD_LIST;
mod store;
pub use store::{KeyStore, KeyStoreContext};
mod traits;
pub use traits::{Decryptable, Encryptable, IdentifyKey, KeyId, KeyIds};
pub use zeroizing_alloc::ZeroAlloc as ZeroizingAllocator;
#[cfg(feature = "uniffi")]
#[cfg(feature = "uniffi")]
mod uniffi_support;